A Brief History of SASY
The Susquenita Area Soccer Youth (SASY) was first formed in 1994.
In 1996, the league introduced micro-soccer for U6 and U8 players. In 1997, the association was incorporated as a non-profit organization. Hawkrock Football Club travel soccer was organized in 1999.
SASY offers U6, U8, U10, U12, and 7th/8th grade programs for youths residing in Duncannon; Marysville; Penn, Rye, Watts, and Wheatfield townships, and Dauphin County's Reed Township.
A Dream of Fields Becomes Reality
Patriot News, Thursday, September 27, 2007
After 14 years of selling candy, subs, cheesecakes, candles, the Susquenita Area Soccer Youth (SASY) players and parents are enjoying the fruits of their labor as their longtime dream becomes a reality.
SASY opened its 2007 soccer program using the fields at their new soccer park at the Perry County Recreation Association (PCRA) facility off of Dellville Road, Duncannon.
Click Here to read the entire article.
Hershock Sign Donation
In 2011, Hershocks Inc. of Harrisburg donated this entrance sign for our soccer park. Hawkrock parent, Greg Deaven, and SASY board member and Hawkrock President, Dale Moyer, worked with Steve Barlup and the Hershocks team on the design of the sign to reflect the partnership between our recreational league (SASY) and our select travel teams (Hawkrock). SASY and Hawkrock would like to thank Hershocks for their support of our programs. For all your building and remodeling projects, please keep Hershocks, Inc. in mind.