Join the Board
THE SASY BOARD NEEDS YOUR HELP! Please share your time and talents with SASY.
Susquenita Area Soccer Youth (SASY) is a recreational soccer league run entirely by volunteers, all parents of current and past players. We meet either at the soccer park, the Cornerstone Church, or virtually. Children are welcome.
The SASY board and other volunteers are responsible for every aspect of our league: team rosters, practice and game schedules, coach lists, coaches' clinics, referee lists, referee schedules, team mom lists, field locations, field maintenance, nets and equipment, uniforms, trophies, pictures, fundraisers, website maintenance, database maintenance, communications, financial records, tax issues/licenses, and much, much more.
As you can see, it takes a lot to make this organization run, and we need volunteers to keep it going. Thank you to all who have stepped forward to help, and a special thank you to the veteran members who have kept SASY together year after year.
Please contact SASY, if you are interested in joining our efforts to keeping SASY alive and kicking! We can always use the help!